Preparing Paperwork for my PSP
Hi Gals; I'm getting ready for paperwork meeting happening on Aug. 27th. Here are a few things I need to have ready for my PSP and for CA. state. It's really a very simple event that happens twice a year for home educators and it's one that I used to stress out about each semester for no reason at all. Here are a few pointers:
For Elementary Students I need:
Course of Study
Report Card*
Attendance Sheet*
For Jr. High and High School Students
Course of Study
Transcript Information Form*
Attendance Sheet*
Filing paperwork with your PSP
The Course of Study will include all the work and courses you plan to take during the future semester and year. You can change that course of study at the winter paperwork meeting when you record ACTUAL grades and ACTUAL work completed. So if I change my mind and do a government elective instead of an economic elective, I will change the Course of Study form and my Transcript Information Form when I turn in my grades in February. (So the August paperwork is a guestimate of what you will accomplish.)
* Report Cards and Attendance Sheets are not needed unless I record school dates for the summer semester. I used to record year round grades and attendance, but it just created more paperwork for me. I enjoy doing school work throughout the summer, but I don't record it any longer. I just include all the work we've done for summer into the fall semester.
My PSP has forms that we fill out customized for the school, but you can find forms for free @ www.cheaofca.org Just copy: http://www.cheaofca.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=page.viewPage&pageID=1078&nodeID=1
Depending on your child's age, you may need to include vaccination records. If you are opting out of vaccinations, you can just write a note stating that you are not going to be waiving vaccinations at this time.
If you're a home educator in California and are not a member of CHEA (Christian Home Educators Association), you can join @ www.cheaofca.org. Membership is VERY worthwhile!